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Inside CARAM May08
� Charting the course for 2009 to 2011
� Building Bridges with EU
� Mounting Migrant Workers Representation
� SJHIV: AIDS Festival
� Towards Utilising PLHIV Stigma Index
Watch List May08
� Human Rights Council Elections
� IAC 2008
Useful Readings May08
� Saving Lives, Protecting Jobs
� Positive Women�s Survival Kit
Upcoming Events May08
� Global AIDs Week of Action
� International Migrants Alliance (IMA)
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CARAM eNews May 2008
Charting the Course for 2009 to 2011
CARAM Asia laid out its strategic direction from 2009 to 2011 in its Strategic Planning meeting held from 11 to 12 April in Kuala Lumpur. Taskforce convenors, board members and the regional secretariat outlined programmatic areas for the next three years after reflecting upon the network’s strength and weaknesses. The network also reviewed opportunities and threats in the current environment and how it could capitalise spaces for its intervention. It will continue to bridge the gap in linking health to migration in the global migration discourse.
Building Bridges with EU Pushing State Accountability in GCC Countries

CARAM Asia joined a delegation of human rights activists from Gulf countries to participate in an extensive lobby tour of the three branches of the European Union (EU) from the 31st March to the 4th April. The three branches of the EU are the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission.

This mission was organised by The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) to highlight the growing human rights violations taking place in the Arab world. The mission made the visit ahead of a high level ministerial meeting between the GCC countries and the EU planned for May 2008. It was hoped that the mission would convince the EU to raise some pertinent problems with their GCC counterparts and press for greater respect for human rights in the region. CARAM Asia spoke on migrants rights in the Gulf and sensitised the European Union members through the various meetings held.


Mounting Migrant Workers Representation


CARAM Asia mounted the migrant workers representation at the Malaysian Labour Day celebration on May 1. While the secretariat initiated the inclusion of migrant workers issues, local member, TENAGANITA rendered its resources to galvanised the initiative.

The Labour day celebration organised by a group of Malaysian NGOs, political parties and individual activists marched with a strong force of about 500 workers.  Various sectors of workers presented their demands to parlimentarians on Labour Day. CARAM Asia collated the demand from a network of Malaysian NGOs working on migrant workers issues to put forth the migrant workers demand. In the process of its organising work, a debate on the recognition of domestic work was forged among civil society members from other movements. Finally, CARAM Asia convinced the organising committee to include recognition of domestic work as work into the overall labour day declaration.

The secreatariat also issued a press release to media and a statement to civil society members calling for Asian governments to recognise domestic work as work in conjuction with labour day. Click here for CARAM Asia's statement. The press release was covered by print and  broadcast  media.

SJHIV: AIDS Festival



Under the same blue sky, thousands of participants from different cultures and nations gathered together, taking the lead to fight AIDS.

St John’s Cathedral HIV Education Centre (SJHIV), a CARAM Asia member, organised it’s fifth AIDS Festival this year on March 30 in Hong Kong.

The theme is “Take the Lead, Stop AIDS – Universal Action Now!” It aimed at raising awareness of AIDS among the public and ethnic minorities, and enhancing racial harmony. It also called upon all leaders in society to take the lead, to confront HIV/AIDS through prevention, cure, support and care. More than 2000 participants attended the Festival where a series of contests were also conducted.


Towards Utilising PLHIV Stigma Index

CARAM Asia contributed to the drafting of implementation plans during the regional workshop for the People Living with HIV Stigma Index from 30 March to 2 April 2008 in Bangkok.

Over the last few years, the International Planned Parenthood Association (IPPF) and the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), in collaboration with their partners, the Global Network of People living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+) and the International Community of Women living with HIV/AIDS (ICW) developed the People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Stigma Index.

CARAM Asia participated at the regional workshop that aimed to inform and prepare a group of representatives from networks or organisations of people living with HIV to consider and plan for the implementation of the PLHIV Stigma Index in their own country. As a result of this workshop, participants gained valuable insights on ways to conduct the Stigma Index projects at country levels.

Saving Lives, Protecting Jobs
A significant increase in supportive attitudes at the workplace towards co-workers living with HIV as well as greater acceptance of condoms and other preventive measures are being registered around the world as a result of effective HIV policies and practices, according to a new report by the International Labour Office (ILO).

The new report, entitled Saving lives, Protecting jobs was prepared by the ILO Programme on HIV/AIDS in the world of work. The report summarises the activities of the ILO SHARE project currently active in over 650 workplaces in 24 countries, covering almost one million workers. Read...

Positive Women�s Survival Kit
The Positive Women’s Survival Kit has been produced by and for women living with HIV and AIDS. The International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW) involved positive women from all over the world in the process of creating the kit. This kit is primarily aimed at women in countries with few resources therefore ICW chose not to focus on treatments which are not widely available. The first part of the kit focuses mainly on the voices of positive women. The second part consists of Fact Sheets which provided more information on specific subjects. Read ...