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CARAM Asia network members regularly scan the print and on-line news resources for information on incidents and developments affecting the lives of migrant workers and HIV+ people. Here are the links to relevant news items contributed by members.

[Note: Members who contribute links and stories to this section need to ensure that copyrights of the original stories are not being violated]

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Item Title Hits
Domestic Workers' Day, but no day-off for Indonesians 6562
Crack down on migrant workers in Malaysia 7400
Thousands of Refugees Living in Constant Fear of Arrest 7630
Government blamed for human trafficking 7739
Burmese migrants riot in Malaysian camp 7515
1st battle Won! ILO DW Convention Supplemented by Recommendation 7560
Vote for Binding Domestic Workers Standards 7337
Govt to offer amnesty for illegals 7741
Levy On Foreign Workers To Go Up In Early 2011 - Muhyiddin 7620
KL, Jakarta fail to resolve maid dispute 7864
Visa Free South Asia 6642
Outcome of CARAM Asia Capacity Building Workshop on UNGASS Reporting Mechanisms 8894
Migrant Workers and the Death Penalty in Bahrain & Saudi Arabia 8199
Scaffold deaths prompt probe of workplace safety laws 10088
Abused ex-maid claims Damages for Pain and Humiliation 9881
Joint Statement: ASEAN Should Establish A Human Rights Body That is Not Below International Standard 10610
Civil Society Statement: Death Of 2 Burmese Indicative Of State Of Detention Places In Malaysia 10672
CARAM Asia Joins Call for Rohingya and Bangladeshi Protection 14254
1,370 Foreign Workers Moved 15045
Recognise Domestic Work to Reduce Violence 16139
Irene�s 13-year Legal Battle End 15904
GFMD Protest 17376
No to Migration for Development 16149
Consultation with UNSRs 16562
CARAM Asia joined Migrants Challenge to GFMD 17279
CDS Passing on GIPA Knowledge 16309
Jordan Open for OFWs, Seeking Full Lifting of Ban 16694
China, US Nudging Doors Open to HIV Carriers 17255
MALAYSIA: Immigration Racket Turns Workers Into Commodities 16822
The Rot is Everywhere 15865
Paying the Price for Complaining 16862
Immigration Chief and Six Others Arrested for Alleged Graft 16840
Abuse Against Domestic Workers in Saudi Arabia 17270
G8 Keep Your Promises 17444
Thai Government Urged to Repeal New Migrant Labor Law 17730
Malaysia A Centre for Sex and Labour Traders 17421
Industrial Training for All Foreign Workers 16405
Open Borders to Human Rights 17186
MPs' Proposal Xenophobic Say Rights Groups 17661
Open Letter to Asean Labour Ministers 17004
No More Lankan Housemaids to Middle East? 17485
Hundreds of Indonesian Women Migrant Jailed 17947
Walking for Working Women 17716
Over 200 Migrant Workers Dead Over Last Three Years 17611
JAPAN: Foreign Workers' Grievances Erupt At Rally 17865
Burmese Migrant Workers on Agenda of UN Labour Policy 17932
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