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Item Title Hits
Mandatory HIV Testing Does More Harm than Good 3536
Govt Wants Zero Dependence on Non-Malaysian Workers 11242
Violence Against Refugees Continues 11911
Thailand Must Improve Its Migrant Policy If It's Not To Receive International Condemnation 12049
India Steps up Pressure for Minimum Wage for Its Workers in The Gulf 12242
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  • Articles  ( 31 items )
    Links to Articles appearing in Neswpapers, Journals and the Web.
  • Latest News  ( 46 items )

    CARAM Asia network members regularly scan the print and on-line news resources for information on incidents and developments affecting the lives of migrant workers and HIV+ people. Here are the links to relevant news items contributed by members.

    [Note: Members who contribute links and stories to this section need to ensure that copyrights of the original stories are not being violated]