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Statements released for the Press and other media channels.
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Bill Rights for FDWs 1994
Laws Affect Employers Attitude Towards FDWs 2662
Remittances: Impact on Migrant Workers Quality of Life 2342
International Day of Solidarity with Foreign Domestic Workers 2975
Domestic Workers Rights 124 Years Overdue 2918
Migrant Women Robbed Off Rights 2529
Address Suffering before Suicide Occurs 3174
CARAM Asia Announces Day off for Migrant Domestic Workers 2155
International Migrants Day 2009: International Community Must Recognise Migrants� Rights in Law 2303
Human Rights for Migrant Domestic Workers 3238
Governments Must Do More To Address Vulnerability of Migrants 2661
Newly Elected Chair of CARAM Asia Faces Unfounded Media Accusations 2140
CARAM Asia: GFMD Still Fails as a Viable Platform to Address Migrants� Concerns 2982
CARAM Asia Lays Out Strategic Regional Issues at Consultation with UNSR on the Right to Health 2777
CARAM Asia Elects New Board of Directors 2618
Lack of Political Will Compromises Rights of Domestic Workers 2464
Rights for Foreign Domestic Workers Must be Enshrined in Law 3190
Health Rights For Migrant Workers Is The Key, Not Discrimination 2989
A Weekly Day off is the Right of Foreign Domestic Workers 3739
Global AIDS Week: Time to Deliver on Commitment to Fight HIV 2491
The International Community Must Guarantee Rights of All Migrants 2365
CARAM Asia Statement: Durban Review Conference Must Stick to The Issues 2365
Pope Must Moderate His Position on HIV/AIDS Epidemic 1736
Stop the Abuse of Foreign Domestic Workers 2114
Historic Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on HIV 2596
ASEAN Has Failed to Save Rohingyas 2623
Equality for Migrant Workers Amid Financial Crisis 3454
World AIDS Day 2008: Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise 4490
International Solidarity Day with Foreign Domestic Workers 3748
Join Forces to Protect Foreign Domestic Workers 3170
Profiting from Health Testing of Migrants 3803
Fight HIV 2532
Workers Without Workers� Rights 3305
CARAM Asia�s Statement on International Women's Day 3227
CARAM Asia Statement on International Migrants� Day 3454
End Violence Against Migrant Workers 3770
Mandatory Testing Not Public Health Solution 3314
AIDS Day: Human Rights for Migrant Workers 4063
End Violence Against Women 3465
ASEAN Charter Marginalised Migrant Communities 2819
Goverment & International Bodies: Acknowledge Role on Continued Poverty 3247
Act Now! ASEAN 3680
No to Mandatory Health Testing on Migrant Workers 3812
Foreign Domestic Workers - Unrecognised, Unprotected and Under paid! 2707
Open Letter to Governments in Asia 4957
Toolkit Launch: Catalyst to Empower FDWs 3723
CARAM Asia FDW Statement 2692
No to Restriction of Movement 4281
Response: ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers 3148
International Migrants Day 2006 (December 18, 2006) 3518
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    Public announcements about events, changes, and other matters related to CARAMASIA and its Partners.