State of Health of Migrants - 2007 |
Download full Report (4.1 Mb) CARAM Asia’s State of Health of Migrants (SoH) taskforce has completed a second round of action research, this time focused on the issue of Mandatory Testing. The research was completed in sixteen countries spanning across Asia, including both origin and destination countries: Bahrain, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Dubai, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, apan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. In this report, using participatory research methods, migrants’ direct experiences with mandatory health testing were collected at all ends of the migration continuum - prospective migrants at their country of origin, migrants working at destination countries, and returnee migrants including those living with HIV and those who were deported as a result of testing. Through analysis of the results by CARAM partner organisations and migrants, a “Migrant-Friendly” Testing Framework was developed. CARAM Asia calls on all actors involved, including governments and third parties, to adopt this framework and uphold human rights standards on health and HIV testing for migrant workers as recognized under countries’ own laws and policies, and which are enshrined in international conventions. Vrije Universiteit Medical Centre, Health Care and Culture Section (Netherlands) provided invaluable technical support for this action research. The key features and strengths of this type of research include the role it plays in promoting change through organizational learning and knowledge generation, the participatory nature of the research that allows those directly impacted to have their voices heard, and the resultant social action that can affect real change.
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