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The Human Side of Mobility & HIV

International Agencies
Websites of International Agencies working with migrants and HIV/AIDS communities.
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     International Association of Official Human Rights Agencies (IAOHRA)
The International Association of Official Human Rights Agencies is a non-profit membership organization with its headquarters in Washington, D.C. The primary members are statutory human rights and human relations agencies with authority for enforcing
     The ILO and HIV/AIDS
The ILO is the UN agency with responsibility for the world of work. In 2000 it created the Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work (ILO/AIDS) with the key objectives: � to raise awareness of the social, economic and development impact of AIDS
     YouandAIDS is an HIV/AIDS portal for Asia Pacific that seeks to address the strongly-felt information and services needs of the region, particularly in the overall development context, and act as a regional platform to synergise multisectoral res
     WHO and HIV/AIDS
As the directing and coordinating authority on international health, the World Health Organization (WHO) takes the lead within the UN system in the global health sector response to HIV/AIDS. The HIV/AIDS Department provides evidence-based, technical
     Human Rights Council
Website of the Human Rights Council

State of Health of Migrants - 2007